Turrican Wiki
Welcome to the Turrican Wiki, AHAHAHAHA!
This is a collaborative wiki about the Turrican series of games that anyone can edit!

About This Wiki

Turrican is a series of run 'n gun action platformers developed by Factor 5 during the '90s, starting life on personal computers of the time before moving onto home consoles. The series is the brainchild of Manfred Trenz and became famous due to its solid gameplay and excellent soundtracks composed by Chris Huelsbeck.

TurricanLogo Turrican2Logo MegaTurricanLogo
Turrican Turrican II: The Final Fight Turrican 3 / Mega Turrican
SuperTurricanNESLogo SuperTurricanLogo SuperTurrican2Logo
Super Turrican (NES) Super Turrican (SNES) Super Turrican 2
HurricanLogo TurricanMobileLogo SuperTurricanDXLogo
Hurrican Turrican (mobile) Super Turrican Director's Cut
TurricanFlashbackLogo TurricanAnthologyLogo
Turrican Flashback Turrican Anthology
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